Investigators in the House of Representatives said the Social Security agency is incorrectly approving disability benefits for people whose claims were rejected by local offices, in addition to failing to perform required follow-up reviews to make sure people who were granted claims are still disabled. According to this investigation, these factors are large contributors to the problems the Social Security program is currently facing.
A declaration made by three House committee Republicans said people are still receiving federal disability assistance even though they are not legally entitled to it. In response to the claim, however, a Social Security spokesperson said they follow a strict legal disability definition before they award benefits.
The number of claims being filed has greatly increased in recent years due to more American citizens reaching older ages and people facing difficulties due to the recession.
At the Hankey Marks & Crider, P.C., our lawyers know that many people in Indiana have legitimate disabilities and are in need of financial assistance. If you need help in pursuing these Social Security benefits, find out how we can help by calling (317) 634-8565 today.