Dangerous Drug and Medical Device Lawyer in Indianapolis

A serious side effect or condition caused by a dangerous or defective product can turn your life upside down in an instant. Dealing with doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, and physical therapy while worrying about the piling medical bills and lost income from missed work can be extremely stressful.

You may feel as if you don’t have the time or money to pursue legal action. That is where Hankey Marks & Crider comes in. We can help to lift the burden from your shoulders by handling your claim, ensuring you get the full and fair compensation you deserve.

While defective drug and medical device cases can be challenging, the legal results can be significant for both the individuals involved as well as society as a whole. While pharmaceutical companies are capable of doing good, this does not excuse them from being held accountable for their mistakes. If you were hurt by a defective drug or pharmaceutical product, contact the attorneys with Hankey Marks & Crider at (317) 634-8565 for a free legal consultation.

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    Types of Dangerous Drug and Medical Device Cases We Handle

    Dangerous Drug and Medical Device Lawyer in IndianapolisHankey Marks & Crider has helped people from across the United States obtain compensation for all types of mass torts and class action cases. Mass torts and class action cases involve several issues, including but not limited to:

    • Pharmaceutical companies/harmful drugs
    • Defective medical devices
    • Exposure to lead paints or toxins
    • Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure
    • Medical malpractice

    Some of the specific cases we handle include:

    • Zantac – These lawsuits claim that Zantac, a drug used to treat stomach ulcers, heartburn, and conditions that cause a buildup of stomach acid, can be contaminated with the cancer-causing substance N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA).
    • Valsartan – These lawsuits claim that batches of Valsartan, a drug used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure, have been found to be contaminated with the cancer-causing substances N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), and N-Methylnitrosobutyric acid (NMBA).
    • HIV medications – Some HIV drugs, such as Atripla, Truvada, Stribild, and Complera, have been linked to severe side effects and conditions, including kidney failure, kidney disease, and osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile and brittle.
    • Talcum powder lawsuits – These claim that manufacturers failed to warn women of the heightened risk of ovarian cancer and mesothelioma when they use talcum powder for personal hygiene.
    • Roundup – These lawsuits seek compensation for those who have been exposed to Roundup, a weed killer manufactured by Monsanto, and have been diagnosed with a form of B cell or T Cell non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, including its many subtypes such as follicular lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and mantle cell lymphoma.
    • Hernia mesh – These lawsuits claim that patients have suffered severe complications and injuries as a result of mesh failure. The hernia mesh devices were defectively designed, and the manufacturers failed adequately to warn users of the known risks and side effects.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Mass Torts and Class Action

    At Hankey Marks & Crider, we get a lot of questions from clients regarding mass torts and class action litigation. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have any more questions about your specific case, please call our experienced and knowledgeable mass torts and class action lawyers at (317) 634-8565.

    What type of compensation can I recover?

    Through a mass tort or class action, you may be able to recover compensation for:

    • Past, current, and future medical bills
    • Physical therapy and long-term care
    • Lost wages
    • Loss of earning capacity
    • Disability and disfigurement
    • Pain and suffering
    • Mental anguish
    • Loss of consortium

    How much money will I receive from my lawsuit?

    The ethical rules for lawyers don’t allow us to provide an estimate of the value of your case to gain your business. The reality is that there is no way of knowing the exact value of your case until we have looked at your medical records and have the opportunity to investigate your particular situation.

    What are the benefits of joining a class-action lawsuit?

    A class-action lawsuit could be the only viable way to receive the full and fair compensation you deserve. Some advantages of joining a class-action lawsuit include:

    • No attorney’s fees
    • Reduce the cost of litigation
    • Efficiency
    • The process is streamlined and therefore less stressful
    • Ensure that defendants are treated consistently because one decision applies to the entire class
    • Motivate defendants to settle because there are many plaintiffs

    How long does a mass tort claim last?

    Mass tort lawsuits are typically much more complicated than your average personal injury action. This is primarily because mass torts involve multiple plaintiffs against one or more defendants. There is no such fixed timeline or guideline that determines how long a mass tort claim will last. Specific claims processes may resolve quickly, while others may drag on for years and years. Some mass tort cases may require many years of investigations, negotiations, and litigation.

    Factors that may affect how long a mass tort claim lasts include:

    • Delay in locating expert witnesses
    • The time needed for travel to conduct investigations
    • Collection of relevant evidence such as medical records and company documentation. It can take months and months to locate, organize, and analyze this information.

    I’ve experienced complications from a dangerous drug, do I have a tort claim?

    Complications from dangerous drugs vary widely in severity. Because of this variation, it’s hard to say if a tort claim is feasible. To get an accurate assessment of your potential case, contact the mass torts lawyers at Hankey Marks & Crider. We handle numerous cases involving dangerous drugs and defective medical devices and can determine if we can help you with a tort claim during your free consultation.


    Contact Us

    To discuss your situation in detail, contact Hankey Marks & Crider at (317) 634-8565 today. We offer free and confidential consultations, and there is no fee until you receive compensation for your injuries.

    Main Office 429 E Vermont St #200 Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317) 634-8565