It is easy to mistakenly believe that simply because you have automobile coverage, you will be fully covered in the event of an accident. The truth, however, is that insurance companies only pay claims themselves if the driver on their policy is responsible for causing the accident. If you are involved in an accident and another driver is at fault, their insurance company is financially responsible for the damages related to the injury.
What, then, happens when the other driver at fault either has no insurance or insufficient insurance? Who will pay for the expenses related to fixing your car or any other related medical expenses? The answer, unfortunately, is you. If you do not have an uninsured motorist policy with your insurance company, you have very little recourse outside of contacting an experienced Indianapolis uninsured motorist lawyer.
The other driver is still financially liable for any injuries, damages, and expenses he or she may have caused. However, finding a way to receive the compensation that you deserve is difficult if not impossible without an Indianapolis underinsured motorist lawyer; people are extremely reluctant to part with their money unless they feel like they have to.
Recovering Compensation from Uninsured Motorists
Most automobile policies in the United States have an “uninsured motorist” clause included. A policy holder pays a premium to the insurance company for this clause, and if he or she is involved in an accident with an uninsured driver, their insurance company will pay the difference of what the uninsured motorist can pay and the total amount of the damages. In some states, this clause is a legal requirement for all automobile insurance.
If you are involved in an accident that is the fault of an uninsured motorist, however, most insurance companies will require that you first sue the motorist for your injuries. Following this action, most insurance companies will pay your damages (up to a pre-determined amount) once the uninsured motorist is proven to be at fault for the accident.
Many people believe that if they are involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, they will not receive any compensation. While this is most often untrue, it is important that a legal professional help you not only understand the complicated process of dealing with an uninsured motorist, but help you receive the full amount you deserve from your own insurance company.
Contact an Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyer
If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist, contact the Indianapolis uninsured motorist attorney at Hankey Marks & Crider today at (317) 634-8565.